Nasus syphoner comp
Nasus syphoner comp

Both these Augments are mandatory to run this comp as they’ll allow you to play multiple Dragons without losing the Dragon trait. This is one of the more flexible re-roll comps in Set 7 as you have options around your main carry Yone. Olaf and Diana can be powerful secondary carries so rolling slowly at level 7 rather than level 6 will give you the best chances of hitting them all. If you find multiple copies of Yone early and solid items then this is a great comp to go for. Unlike other reroll comps this doesn’t fall off late game with the addition of Yasuo. This comp looks to itemize around Talon as the main carry with the Assassin and Guild trait. Assassins are a mainstay of every set, and this comp functions no differently as before. Go for this comp if you have Crit items for Talon and pick up some Assassin upgrades early. Bruiser Whisper: A-tierĪs the name suggests, this comp uses Bruiser and Whisper units. Sy’Fen makes up 3 of the 4 Whisper bonus, and is the main carry of the comp. He is a strong frontline carry that is surrounded with other Bruiser units and utility. If you have strong AD items like Bloodthirster, Sy’Fen is an easy carry to flex into as long as you can find him. This comp looks to run the Mirage trait and uses Daeja as the main backline carry. Daeja has built in magic damage on his autos, so scaling that damage with things like Attack Speed is powerful. Go for this comp if you have specific Daeja items like Shiv or Rageblade.

nasus syphoner comp

Transitioning with Mirage units will also be nice. This comp looks to use Yasuo as a way to gain mana for Sona who is an Evoker. We use things like Blue Buff to make Yasuo cast constantly, providing Sona with mana. Go for this comp if you have powerful AP items for Sona and want to transition into a strong late game board. Having a strong economy is important for hitting all of the important pieces you need for this comp. This comp is a simple one revolving around a 4-cost carry, Corki. The Revel and Cannoneer units make their way into this comp for strong trait bonuses. Go for this comp if you have good items for Corki. Transitioning with Revel or Cannoneer will also make this comp easier to play. This comp is very similar to a Corki comp, except it rerolls for Tahm Kench and Tristana 3 as the tank and backline carry. Other than that, the comp is almost identical to a Corki carry comp. Go for this comp if you find a lot of copies of Tahm Kench / Tristana early. This comp uses Swain as the main carry and surrounds him with Ragewing and Shapeshifter units to buff him up.

nasus syphoner comp

There is also room for Jade, which provides him and the team with more bonuses.

Nasus syphoner comp